Project Description

Assigned with the exciting challenge of devising a concept for navigable markers in a TV scrub bar, I collaborated closely with a product manager to craft a compelling solution. Our main goal was to highlight content within a live stream, enhancing the user experience and making the navigation more intuitive. Through productive discussions and brainstorming sessions, we meticulously defined the details and explored various features to include. Our focus was on understanding the requirements and dependencies necessary to bring this concept to life. We delved into crucial aspects, such as determining the source of metadata for the markers and identifying the best methods to display them seamlessly. This collaborative effort allowed us to lay a solid foundation for the concept, making sure all essential aspects were considered. We addressed potential challenges and researched viable solutions to ensure a smooth and efficient implementation. Our concept for navigable markers in the TV scrub bar aims to enrich the viewers' experience, enabling them to discover and engage with highlighted content effortlessly. It serves as a testament to our commitment to innovation and attention to detail, setting the stage for a seamless and user-friendly interface in the live stream environment.

Project Details



Project Date:

March 10, 2021